Val Bodengo Canyoning -
Val Bodengo Canyoning -
Val Bodengo Canyoning -
Val Bodengo Canyoning -
Val Bodengo Canyoning -
Val Bodengo Canyoning -
Val Bodengo Canyoning -
Val Bodengo Canyoning -
Val Bodengo Canyoning -
Val Bodengo Canyoning -
Val Bodengo Canyoning
Val Bodengo Canyoning Gordona Like
Canyoning is a sport for everybody.
The descent of a canyon simply means to follow the water inside a gorge usually quite deep that has been created by the action of the glaciers and the water in the past. Usually the flow is not too high and it’s not possible to use a kayak. We use Wetsuits in neoprene of 5 mm thick which makes you float enough and some technical specific gear from alpine equipment to use for rappelling down the high obstacles and waterfalls.
The mayor interest of this sport is to discover beautiful environments and rock shapes that you cannot see from outside these gorges. You’ll find round potholes with clear water surrounded by a rich flora. Canyon can be narrow and you can’t see what’s next, sometimes nice pools in which it is possible to jump or slide in.
Undoubtedly Val Bodengo and Val Pilotera are two of the better known canyons in the North of Italy, easy access and the possibility, for expert parties, to do long descents and also nice jumps.
Here you’ll find always plenty of water during all the season, which lasts from may to the end of September at least. During your canyoning tours you’ll have qualified guides to follow you, knowing perfectly the canyons and the better way to afford each single passage.
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