• San Bartolomeo
  • San Bartolomeo
  • San Bartolomeo
  • San Bartolomeo
  • San Bartolomeo
  • San Bartolomeo

San Bartolomeo Domaso

Baroque transformations have virtually erased the Romanesque structure of this 13th century church, but there is still evidence of the Renaissance, as the silver cross Golden Giovan Pietro Lierni (1533), the wooden crucifix of the high altar, and the high relief representative Pieta, outside the portal right side. Recently, in the compartment at the first chapel on the right has emerged from a fifteenth-century fresco plaster with the Trinity and St. Peter Martyr. Note the "Conversion of St. Paul", painted by Domenico Caresana in 1605 and two frescoes by Cesare Valtellina Ligari dated 1758, depicting the Martyrdom of St. Bartholomew and a Miracle of Saint Nicholas of Bari. Outside the church, in the left side, there is an eighteenth-century chapel of the Good Death, frescoed with the Deposition.


San Bartolomeo
Piazza della Chiesa, 177, Italy CO 22013